7.7 Promotion queue
In order to balance opportunities to operate Oracle Masternodes against the efficiencies of the two-tier network and the need to have WINC tokens available for betting, the network will cap the total number of Oracle Masternodes operating on the network. Once the network has reached its maximum designated Oracle count, all wallets that apply for promotion to Oracle Masternode status enter a queue awaiting an opening (either voluntary withdrawal or involuntary demotion of an acting node). Promotion is on a first come, first served basis, i.e., the nodes that have spent the longest time in the queue get promoted first. Oracles that are promoted must submit and synchronize match data every hour. This allows for quick payouts of resolved events. When events cannot be resolved due to the match not being played or other extenuating circumstances, the bets are refunded after 48 hours without a resolution.
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